lunedì 11 maggio 2015

On the road to Farnham: NDW50 pre-race thoughts we go! After an amazing experience #SDW50, it`s time to go back in England and enjoy another big day with Centurion guys and a lot of runners and friends.

Well...I hadn`t planned it at all. At the beginning of the season, I just wanted to run SDW50 as my first 50mi race and then enjoy a good training period before my second attempt with 100k distance @Salzburg100k, coming in June.

But...and it`s a veeeery big BUT (with one "t" by the way..), Centurion gave us the chance in March to join the re-opened waiting list and I simply could`t resist, essentially because I just wanted to join a couple of friends and running mates from Italy and run this beast with them.

So...can´t wait to be in Farnham!

My post-race recovery after SDW50 went pretty well, although I wasn`t able to put a long training run in between, just because I simply hadn`t enough time to do it. I mean, recovery, eventual long training and then pre-NDW tapering. Simply too much. So I preferred to do shorter training runs and try to pick up the pace, just a little bit, and I must say, it was "easier", thanks to the amazing weather conditions I´ve found here. 

As usual, I´ve no target-time or stuff like that. Just enjoy the course and the runners around of me, and the challenge that The North Downs Way will give me.

I`ve just two particular "goals". First of all, to meet a lot of friends out there. And second, to get a double hug from Nici Griffin. One at the start line, and the other, hopefully, at the finish! 

See you in Farnham.


1 commento:

  1. Partiamo dal presupposto che voi siete i migliori terzeri e che dovete difendere l’onore in terra straniera, che c’avete anche l’obbligo di salutarmi la creatura appena nata che io ai reali gli voglio bene. Che se avessi avuto un po’ di tempo gli avrei anche comprato un bavaglino del terzo ristoro da usare per la prima poppata sulla tetta sinistra di Kate.

    Ora divertitevi che tanto sono solo 80 km c’e’ gente che ne farà 100 sotto la pioggia lo stesso giorno … poi le Ale in un pub sono piu’ buone dell’acque ai ristori degli orsi …
    come i moschettieri tirate fuori la sciabola e spargete verbo.

    Che il santo gral terzero vi accompagni, in alto i calici

    Ps sprecate un msg un wapp per dirmi che fine avete fatto …
